
Helpful Quick Weight Loss Tips

Here is some useful tips

1/Take a 30-second break in the middle of your meal. Evaluate just how hungry you still are before getting back to your food

2/Use the freezer to add some extra oomph to summer foods. Freeze grapes for some bite-sized delights. Or get a popsicle mold and freeze some Greek yogurt with berries

3/Store-bought salad dressings can be packed with calories. Make your own vinaigrette and store it in a small spray bottle to coat your greens without over-dressing them.

Helpful Quick Weight Loss Tips4/Remember these five essential smoothie ingredients: frozen berries, a banana, skim milk, a teaspoon of honey and a teaspoon of psyllium seed husks.

5/If you're having trouble getting started, make a small move such as starting an eating log or buying walking shoes. You're three times more likely to follow through if you start with small gestures such as these.

6/Identify the emotional triggers that lead you to seek unhealthy comfort food. Picture your goal weight the next time a trigger strikes to help you resist temptation.

7/Do your grocery shopping with a list and a time limit; that way, you're less likely to stray into the processed foods section.

8/You may be used to fried foods but there are other, sometimes healthier, ways to cook including: roasting, steaming, poaching, baking, braising and broiling.

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